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    Med-Or meets the students and professors of the LUISS Master in Mediterranean Cooperation and Security

    11 Dec -

    Launched in May 2024 in partnership with the LUISS School of Government and the Mediterranean Platform, the master’s programme is one of the Foundation’s activities to promote higher education and research.

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    The workshop “Climate Change and Natural Disasters in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Security Impacts and Crisis Management”, organised by Med-Or in Rome, has come to an end.

    22 Nov -

    The international workshop entitled “Climate Change and Natural Hazards in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Security Impacts and Crisis Management”, organized by Med-Or in Rome together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Jordan with the support of the NATO SPS Programme, concluded.

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    Somalia Joins the United Nations Security Council: Training Program Launched for Somalia's Diplomatic Corp

    29 Jan -

    Thanks to the collaboration between Med-Or and UNITAR, the program featured a wide network of international experts and former high-level diplomats.

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    Med-Or present at the roadshow ‘Higher Education, Research and Innovation Collaboration between Italy and Ethiopia’

    14 Jan -

    The event, held on 13 January at the Italian Cultural Institute in Addis Ababa, represents a new step of the Mattei Plan initiative.

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    Med-Or Foundation: the Winter School in Cyber Security comes to an end.

    10 Dec -

    The initiative was held in collaboration with the Leonardo Cyber Security Training Centre in Genoa and was attended by students from Jordan, the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan and Ukraine.

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    The Med-Or Foundation was created by leading aerospace, security and defence company Leonardo in the spring of 2021. The Foundation seeks to promote cultural initiatives, research and education in science, with the goal to strengthen links, exchanges and international relations between Italy and countries in the Med-Or area, which spans the Mediterranean, the Sahel, the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea, as well as the Near and Far East. Effective January 1, 2025, following a statutory amendment, it became Med-Or Italian Foundation, with Enel, Eni, Snam, Fincantieri, Poste Italiane and Ferrovie dello Stato joining as new ordinary members and Terna, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and MBDA Italia joining as adherent members.

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