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    Med-Or in Rabat for “Higher Education, Research and Innovation Collaboration between Morocco and Italy”. Minister Anna Maria Bernini attended the event

    28 Jun -

    The initiative was promoted by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR), the Med-Or Foundation, the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, and the Italian Embassy in Rabat.

    Present at the event were the Italian Minister of Universities and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, the Moroccan Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Abdellatif Miraoui, and the Italian Ambassador to Rabat, Armando Barucco.

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    “Obiettivo Libia”. The event by Med-Or Foundation with Mohamed Takala

    28 Jun -

    Med-Or hosted the President of the High Council of State, Mohamed Takala, to examine the current situation in Libya.

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    Connectivity for the Wider Mediterranean: an event of Med-Or, together with the GMF, Compagnia di San Paolo and NATO PDD

    10 Jun -

    The 24th edition of the Mediterranean Strategy Group, a transatlantic dialogue forum on the Mediterranean, took place in Rome from 3 to 5 June. The event was promoted by the German Marshall Fund and Med-Or Foundation, in collaboration with the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Compagnia di San Paolo and the Alexander Philon Fund for the Transatlantic Partnership.

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    Med-Or supports scientific research: a meeting with two Biomedical Campus students

    31 Jul -

    A meeting was held at the Foundation’s headquarters with the two Ethiopian researchers who won doctoral scholarships, funded by Med-Or, in biomedical engineering at the Biomedical Campus in Rome. Interview with Prof. Leandro Pecchia, head of the research project

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    Med-Or among the winners of the NATO SPS Programme call for proposals with an activity dedicated to environmental security

    4 Jul -

    Med-Or Foundation was among the winners of the NATO Science for Peace and Security Program call for proposals with an activity on the impact of climate change and natural disasters in the security of the Mediterranean region, promoted together with the Jordan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with the scientific collaboration of the INGV.

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    Higher education and culture at the heart of the agreement between Med-Or and the Mechnikov University of Odessa

    25 Jun -

    Med-Or Foundation has signed an agreement for academic and cultural cooperation with the Mechnikov National University of Odessa.

    Here is the news published by The Odessa Journal.

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