

Med-Or holds a seminar by ISS-Africa on G20 summit and Africa's Challenges

Jakkie Cilliers, the founder of the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), holds a seminar at the Med-Or Foundation. The meeting focused on the key challenges facing Africa in relation to Energy, Climate Change, and Development.

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Med-Or meets the students and professors of the LUISS Master in Mediterranean Cooperation and Security

Launched in May 2024 in partnership with the LUISS School of Government and the Mediterranean Platform, the master’s programme is one of the Foundation’s activities to promote higher education and research.

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The workshop “Climate Change and Natural Disasters in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Security Impacts and Crisis Management”, organised by Med-Or in Rome, has come to an end.

The international workshop entitled “Climate Change and Natural Hazards in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Security Impacts and Crisis Management”, organized by Med-Or in Rome together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Jordan with the support of the NATO SPS Programme, concluded.

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Med-Or Foundation present at the Abu Dhabi Strategic Debate 2024

The Med-Or Foundation took part in the 11th edition of the Abu Dhabi Strategic Debate (ADSD) from 11 to 12 November 2024, in the United Arab Emirates

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Indo-Mediterranean. Italy and India, a special relationship. The workshop by Med-Or and CSDR

Med-Or recently hosted a workshop on Italy-India relations in collaboration with the Council for Strategic and Defense Research (CSDR) of New Delhi, focusing on the potential areas for cooperation between the two countries.

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"Middle East. One Year Later." The event by Med-Or Foundation

On Wednesday, October 9, Med-Or hosted in Rome a meeting between Ebtesam Al-Ketbi and David Meidan on the future of the Middle East, one year after the attacks of October 7.

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Med-Or Foundation attends Karpacz Economic Forum

The 33rd edition of the Polish-based dialogue platform dedicated a panel to the Geopolitics of the Mediterranean, with a focus on the competition between superpowers in the MENA region.

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“A look over the world”: the fourth edition of the Med-Or Day

The Foundation’s annual event was held on 24 July in Rome, three years after the birth of Med-Or, with the title “A look over the world. The Sistema Italia, the Mediterranean, Africa: The Mattei’s Plan”


Med-Or in Rabat for “Higher Education, Research and Innovation Collaboration between Morocco and Italy”. Minister Anna Maria Bernini attended the event

The initiative was promoted by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR), the Med-Or Foundation, the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, and the Italian Embassy in Rabat.

Present at the event were the Italian Minister of Universities and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, the Moroccan Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Abdellatif Miraoui, and the Italian Ambassador to Rabat, Armando Barucco.

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“Obiettivo Libia”. The event by Med-Or Foundation with Mohamed Takala

Med-Or hosted the President of the High Council of State, Mohamed Takala, to examine the current situation in Libya.

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Connectivity for the Wider Mediterranean: an event of Med-Or, together with the GMF, Compagnia di San Paolo and NATO PDD

The 24th edition of the Mediterranean Strategy Group, a transatlantic dialogue forum on the Mediterranean, took place in Rome from 3 to 5 June. The event was promoted by the German Marshall Fund and Med-Or Foundation, in collaboration with the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Compagnia di San Paolo and the Alexander Philon Fund for the Transatlantic Partnership.

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Presented in Rome the project Digital Geopolitics promoted by Med-Or, Luiss and Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation

The closing event of the “Digital Geopolitics” project was held in Rome on May 29 at Luiss University.


Digital Geopolitics and the New Challenges of International Politics. An event by Med-Or, Luiss, and Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation

The new event promoted by Med-Or in collaboration with Luiss Guido Carli and Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation is scheduled for May 29, 2024, in Rome.

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‘Decarbonisation and stability: implications for Africa’. A special lecture held at Med Or Foundation

On Friday 24 May, Alex de Waal, Executive Director of the World Peace Foundation and Professor at Tufts University, held a special lecture on the implications of decarbonization for Africa and stability.

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Luiss and Med-Or present the Master in Mediterranean Cooperation and Security

Med-Or and the Luiss School of Government presented the Master’s program in Mediterranean Cooperation and Security at the Luiss university campus

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Italy, France: crossed gazes on the Mediterranean

On Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 April, the second edition of the seminar on the relations between Italy and France in the Mediterranean (MIF) was held in Paris, in the presence of political, institutional, military, and industrial representatives from both countries.

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‘‘Italy, Europe, NATO, and the future of the Mediterranean’’. An event by Med-Or Foundation

On March 13, a high-profile Round Table titled “Italy, Europe, NATO and the future of the Mediterranean” was held at the Center for High Defense Studies, sponsored by Med-Or and CASD.

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Interview with Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. Video

Here the full video of the interview with H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, which took place on Tuesday 30 January in Rome at Med-Or Foundation.


Med-Or hosts Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of the Republic of Somalia

Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh speaks at the Med-Or Foundation in Rome, on the sidelines of the Italy-Africa Conference.

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Med-Or attends “The Atlantic Dialogues” in Marrakech

Med-Or Foundation attended the 12th edition of the international conference “The Atlantic Dialogues” organized by the think tank The Policy Center for the New South in Marrakech, Morocco.

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Med-Or Foundation and the Middle East Institute in the joint webinar “Transatlantic Cooperation on the Chronic Threat of Extremism in the Broader Mediterranean”

On December 4, the Middle East Institute hosted a webinar titled “Transatlantic Cooperation on the Chronic Threat of Extremism in the Broader Mediterranean,” in partnership with Med-Or Foundation.

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Med-Or Foundation attends the 10th edition of the Abu Dhabi Strategic Debate

Med-Or Foundation attended the tenth edition of the Abu Dhabi Strategic Debate (ADSD) from November 13-14, 2023, in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

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The role of Iran in the global balance. The Med-Or Foundation round table

A round table was held on October 25 at Med-Or Foundation headquarters with the Italian Ambassador to Tehran, Giuseppe Perrone.

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Med-Or attends the EU COP23 in Brussels

Med-Or Foundation held a panel at the fifth edition of the EU Cop23 in Brussels on “Gulf Approaches and Priorities to Mediation and Conflict Resolution” with EU Special Representative for the Gulf Luigi Di Maio and Diplomatic Academies and Institutes from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

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Med-Or: the report “The Silent Enemy: Presence and Evolution of the Jihadist Threat in the Broader Mediterranean” presented at Luiss University

On Thursday 5 October, the first Special Report of Med-Or Foundation authored by Andrea Manciulli was presented at LUISS University in Rome. Attending the event: Alfredo Mantovano, Lorenzo Guerini, Gilles Kepel, Marco Minniti.

Download the Special Report here

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Med-Or Foundation hosts a workshop on Saudi-Iran relations

On September 25 an in-depth workshop on the relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran was held at Med-Or Foundation, organized jointly with the Saudi Arabia International Institute for Iranian Studies (Rasanah Institute).

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Med-Or Day: Marking two years of the Foundation’s activities

The third edition of the Med-Or Foundation’s annual event took place in Rome


Med-Or Foundation hosts the Certificate Awards ceremony of the “Nuclear History Boot Camp 2023”

On 23 June, Med-Or Foundation hosted the Certificate Awards Ceremony for students who completed the “Nuclear History Boot Camp 2023”, a course organised by the University of Roma Tre together with the Washington D.C.-based Wilson Center

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Why Med-Or and Tel Aviv’s INSS strengthen their collaboration

Experts from the Med-Or Foundation and the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv took part in a study workshop in Rome, as the two bodies strengthen their link to empower Italy and Israel’s connection and understanding of enlarged Mediterranean dynamics.

Please click here to read the full text of the article, from Decode39

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Med-Or consolidates its positioning between the Near and Far East

  • Today, Med-Or held a joint exploratory workshop with the Tel Aviv-based Institute for National Security Studies (INSS).
  • On Monday 12 June, Med-Or signed a collaboration agreement with the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam
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Strengthening Italy-UAE Cooperation: the Med-Or dialogues

Here we republish the article by Massimiliano Boccolini for Decode39.

Thanks to the editorial staff of Decode39

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Med-Or: the International Board of the Foundation meets for the first time in Rome

Held the first meeting of the Med-Or Foundation’s International Board. Minniti (Med-Or Chairman): “A great opportunity to discuss the future of the Mediterranean”

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The War in Ukraine and the Mediterranean Nexus. A GMF and Med-Or event

The 23rd edition of the Mediterranean Strategy Group, a transatlantic forum for discussions on Mediterranean affairs organized by the German Marshall Fund together with Med-Or Foundation and in collaboration with the Compagnia di San Paolo, the Policy Center for the New South and the Alexander Philon Fund for Transatlantic Partnership, has been held in Palermo from 15 to 18 May.

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The Boomerang Effect – Terrorism and Technology: the dialogue between Med-Or and INSS catches on

On 11 May, a seminar held by the Director of the Advanced Technologies and National Security program at the INSS, Dr. Liran Antebi, took place at the Foundation’s headquarters

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Nouakchott: Arab magic between past and future. The Med-Or Foundation event at MAXXI

The event, organized by Med-Or Foundation in collaboration with the Mauritanian Ministry of Culture and the Mauritanian Embassy in Italy, took place on Thursday 23 March in Rome at the MAXXI auditorium

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Italy, France: crossed gazes on the Mediterranean

The first seminar on the relations between Italy and France in the Mediterranean was held in Rome, promoted by Med-Or in collaboration with Limes and La Vigie

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Italy, Somalia. A special relationship: The event by Med-Or Foundation with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

On Friday 10 February, the event “Italy, Somalia. A special relationship” by Med-Or Foundation was held at Luiss Guido Carli University. It saw the participation of the President of the Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud


Meeting between President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Med-Or Chairman Marco Minniti

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, met with Chairman Marco Minniti at Med-Or headquarters. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed

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Italy, Niger. Europe, Africa. Two continents. One destiny. The speech by President Mohamed Bazoum

The speech by the President of Niger Mohamed Bazoum at the event “Italy, Niger. Europe, Africa. Two continents. One Destiny”, organized by Med-Or Foundation


Italy, Niger. Europe, Africa. Two continents. One destiny. The event by Med-Or Foundation with Mohamed Bazoum

On Thursday 1 December, the event “Italy, Niger. Europe, Africa. Two continents. One destiny” by Med-Or Foundation was held at Luiss Guido Carli. It saw the participation of the President of the Republic of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum


Med-Or: presentation of “Il Mediterraneo e l’Italia. Dal mare nostrum alla centralità comprimaria” by Egidio Ivetic

On November 9, Med-Or Foundation hosted the presentation of the book “Il Mediterraneo e l’Italia. Dal mare nostrum alla centralità comprimaria” by Egidio Ivetic

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New horizons for cooperation between Italy and the UAE: an event by Med-Or Foundation

“New Horizons for Cooperation between Italy and the UAE”, a two-day workshop organised by Med-Or Foundation took place in Rome on 26-27 October 2022

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The Executive Course in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, organized by Luiss School of Government and Med-Or, concluded

The closing ceremony of Luiss School of Government’s Executive Course “Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity in a Global Digital Age: Policy and Management Solutions” was held at Med-Or Foundation headquarters on October 28

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Med-Or Chairman Marco Minniti at the I Ed. of the IASD Alumni Conference

Med-Or Chariman Marco Minniti attended the first edition of the IASD Alumni Conference addressing the issue of security policy in the Broader Mediterranean

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Med-Or Day 2022: the Med-Or Foundation event

Med-Or Day, the annual event organised by Med-Or Foundation in Rome, is back.


Mediterranean Moonlight. The fashion show promoted by Med-Or Foundation

The show, organized by the Italian-Lebanese Cultural Institute and promoted by Med-Or, with the patronage of the Lebanese Embassy, ​​was held in Rome at the MAXXI. Here the video of the fashion show.

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Italy and France in the Broader Mediterranean

The event, promoted by Med-Or, the Embassy of France to Italy and Formiche, was held on 13 July at the Foundation’s headquarters.


The Middle East in the new Geopolitical Disorder

The event, promoted by Med-Or Foundation and the Atlantic Council, was held on 31 May at the Foundation’s headquarters.


Med-Or Leonardo Foundation: first meeting of the Scientific Committee

The first meeting of the Scientific Committee of Med-Or Foundation was held on 2 December 2021 at the Foundation's headquarters in Rome

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Med-Or Leonardo Foundation and Leonardo Company: fifty oxygen concentrators donated to the Republic of Niger

The ceremony took place in the presence of the Minister of State at the Presidency of the Republic of Niger, Rhissa Ag Boula, and the Advisor to the President of the Republic, Salim Mokkadem.

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Med-Or Leonardo Foundation: meeting of the Board of Directors. The Scientific Committee has been appointed

The Board of Directors of Med-Or Leonardo Foundation approved the activity plan and the forecast budget for 2021. The Board also appointed members of the Scientific Committee.

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Med-Or Foundation: award ceremony for three students from Morocco

The ceremony took place in Rome, at the headquarters of the Foundation, in the presence of Minister Di Maio

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Med-Or Day: greetings from the guests

During the Med-Or Day ceremony we collected the greetings and comments of some of the guests. You will find them all enclosed in these short videos we realized.


Med-Or Day: inauguration of the Foundation’s new headquarters

20 July 2021 marked Med-Or Day, the public launch of Med-Or Foundation, which opened the doors of its offices in Rome to meet with stakeholders from Italy and all over the world.
