
Med-Or Foundation signed an agreement with the Mechnikov National University in Odessa

Med-Or Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the I. I. Mechnikov National University in Odessa for cooperation in the fields of higher education and culture

Med-Or Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the I. I. Mechnikov National University in Odessa, Ukraine. The agreement represents the beginning of a collaboration aimed at promoting educational and cultural exchanges between the two institutions.

A key element of the MoU will be the funding and provision of scholarships by Med-Or for deserving students of the I. I. Mechnikov National University in Odessa, enabling them to attend bachelor’s and master’s degrees and postgraduate courses at leading Italian universities identified by Med-Or Foundation. In addition to scholarships, the cooperation includes collaboration between the two institutions in the organization of a series of training programs, visits, seminars and events.

These activities will cover topics of common interest, providing valuable opportunities for knowledge exchange and professional development. Through these initiatives, Med-Or and the University aim to strengthen ties between the two institutions, promoting academic excellence and international collaboration.


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Med-Or among the winners of the NATO SPS Programme call for proposals with an activity dedicated to environmental security

Med-Or Foundation was among the winners of the NATO Science for Peace and Security Program call for proposals with an activity on the impact of climate change and natural disasters in the security of the Mediterranean region, promoted together with the Jordan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with the scientific collaboration of the INGV.

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Higher education and culture at the heart of the agreement between Med-Or and the Mechnikov University of Odessa

Med-Or Foundation has signed an agreement for academic and cultural cooperation with the Mechnikov National University of Odessa.

Here is the news published by The Odessa Journal.

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