
Med-Or Day: greetings from the guests

During the Med-Or Day ceremony we collected the greetings and comments of some of the guests. You will find them all enclosed in these short videos we realized.

Luigi Di Maio - Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Luciana Lamorgese - Italian Minister of Interior

Lorenzo Guerini - Italian Minister of Defence

Andrea Orlando - Italian Minister of Labour and Social Policy

Nicola Zingaretti - President of the Lazio Region

Dimitris Avramopoulos - Former EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship

Khouri Fayiz - Ambassador of the HK of Jordan to the Republic of Italy

Luciano Carta - Leonardo Chairman

Alessandro Profumo - Leonardo CEO

Roberta Pinotti - Chairperson of the Italian Senate Defence Committee

Piero Fassino - President of the Foreign Affairs and EU Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies

Raffaele Volpi - Former President COPASIR (Italian Parliamentary Committee for the Security of the Republic)

Gianni Letta - Former Undersecretary of State to the Italian Prime Minister

Enzo Vecciarelli - Italian Chief of the Defense Staff

Maurizio Molinari - Editor in Chief “La Repubblica” newspaper


Med-Or holds a seminar by ISS-Africa on G20 summit and Africa's Challenges

Jakkie Cilliers, the founder of the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), holds a seminar at the Med-Or Foundation. The meeting focused on the key challenges facing Africa in relation to Energy, Climate Change, and Development.

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Med-Or meets the students and professors of the LUISS Master in Mediterranean Cooperation and Security

Launched in May 2024 in partnership with the LUISS School of Government and the Mediterranean Platform, the master’s programme is one of the Foundation’s activities to promote higher education and research.

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