
Med-Or and MUR sign an implementation agreement for the promotion of training and research projects in Mattei Plan countries.

The initiative is part of the activities planned for the Mattei Plan

The Med-Or Foundation and the Ministry of Universities and Research have signed an implementation agreement, as specified in the memorandum signed last spring by the Minister of Universities and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, and the President of the Med-Or Foundation, Marco Minniti, which provides for cooperation in the field of the promotion of higher education, scientific and academic collaboration and culture towards the countries of the Broader Mediterranean area, with a particular focus on the countries involved in the Mattei Plan.

In fact, the agreement is part of the activities planned for the Mattei Plan and will provide a series of initiatives to promote the Italian academic world as well as scientific cooperation, bilateral collaboration with Italy and the valorization of the best skills and experiences of our country. In fact, the list of actions agreed includes not only the funding of scholarships and training and research projects for deserving students from the countries involved, but also the organization of roadshows in the universities of the same countries, involving not only academic institutions and the Italian research world, but also some of the most innovative experiences promoted by major Italian companies.

“This implementation agreement will allow us to immediately launch a series of initiatives towards some of the countries involved in the Mattei Plan, to promote the exceptional capabilities that our country has in strategic sectors such as culture, higher education, scientific research, new technologies and innovation, said Med-Or Chairman Marco Minniti. Together with the Ministry of Universities and Research, we will be able to set up a calendar of activities directly in the countries of the Mediterranean region to promote mutual academic and cultural exchanges and cooperation between the best Italian experience in these sectors and the institutions of our partner countries”.

“The Mattei Plan is a strategic government initiative, but also a concrete vision for a future of shared growth in the Broader Mediterranean region. Thanks to the valuable collaboration of the Med-Or Foundation," stressed Minister Bernini, "we are building, together with our African partners, a centre of knowledge and innovation, with the aim of forming a leadership capable of leading African countries with courage and competence towards a transition based on growth and development”.


Med-Or present at the roadshow ‘Higher Education, Research and Innovation Collaboration between Italy and Ethiopia’

The event, held on 13 January at the Italian Cultural Institute in Addis Ababa, represents a new step of the Mattei Plan initiative.

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Med-Or Foundation: the Winter School in Cyber Security comes to an end.

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