Med-Or among the winners of the NATO SPS Programme call for proposals with an activity dedicated to environmental security
Med-Or Foundation was among the winners of the NATO Science for Peace and Security Program call for proposals with an activity on the impact of climate change and natural disasters in the security of the Mediterranean region, promoted together with the Jordan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with the scientific collaboration of the INGV.
The activity promoted by Med-Or entitled “Climate change and natural hazards in the Euro-Mediterranean region: security impacts and crisis management” has been selected by NATO under the Science for Peace and Security Program for year 2024. The proposal includes the organization of an “Advanced Research Workshop – ARW” (a workshop among highly qualified scientists), in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jordan and the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) as the scientific partner.
NATO, through the “Science for Peace and Security Program – SPS,” aims to provide support for international collaborations between scientists and experts from NATO member countries and Partner countries, and to promote dialogue and cooperation between them in the fields of scientific research, technological innovation, and security. The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme addresses contemporary, multidisciplinary challenges through international collaboration, fostering innovative solutions to enhance global resilience and security. One of the priorities of the Programme is Environment, Climate Change and Security, which demonstrates the collective commitment of Allies and Partner nations to address pressing global challenges.
Med-Or’s initiative aims to support NATO’s strategic objectives and policy priorities by addressing the origins and potential impacts of climate change and natural hazards on countries in the Broader Mediterranean region, the related security implications for Atlantic Alliance countries, and the use of new technologies for preventing and countering these events.
The workshop, to be held at Med-Or Foundation’s headquarters in November 2024 over three working days, will be structured around multiple in-depth panels and will be addressed at professionals from civilian and military institutions, academia, and businesses from NATO and Mediterranean Partner countries. In fact, the ARW will feature around 50 speakers and participants from over 14 NATO and NATO Partner countries, and from some of the major international organizations (European Union, African Union, NATO). The workshop will actively contribute to the deepening of a complex but increasingly decisive topic for Euro-Atlantic security, as well as to the implementation of joint initiatives among the countries involved, with the aim of strengthening international cooperation and research activities in this field.

This activity was sponsored by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme under grant id. G7666.