
Med-Or presents its new monthly column, “Close-ups”

Med-Or’s monthly column “Close-ups” is now online: geopolitics, economics and security in the countries of the Broader Mediterranean

Med-Or Foundation’s new column “Close-ups” is now online. The Med-Or’s situation room’s monthly analyses can be accessed country-by-country on the recently updated map of the Broader Mediterranean region. With this new tool, Med-Or aims to offer to a wide audience, not just experts, an agile instrument for in-depth analysis and understanding of the key trends and most significant events that have occurred in the countries of the Broader Mediterranean. An analytical effort useful for understanding the complexity and increasing importance of this region and its main players.

Among the Foundation’s many activities, “Ingrandimenti” takes on a significant role precisely because of the breadth of the countries monitored and the target audience it serves. In fact, “Close-ups” covers an area of about 40 countries, which are tracked closely day by day to provide up-to-date insights and analysis every month, useful for understanding the dynamics affecting the countries in the area and essential for the production of Med-Or’s upcoming annual report.


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